
The Memorial Candle Program has been designed to help offset the costs associated with the hosting this Tribute Website in perpetuity. Through the lighting of a memorial candle, your thoughtful gesture will be recorded in the Book of Memories and the proceeds will go directly towards helping ensure that the family and friends of Barbara Brookings can continue to memorialize, re-visit, interact with each other and enhance this tribute for future generations.

Thank you.

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Barbara Brookings
In Memory of
Barbara W.
Brookings (Wood)
1924 - 2015
Click above to light a memorial candle.

The lighting of a Memorial Candle not only provides a gesture of sympathy and support to the immediate family during their time of need but also provides the gift of extending the Book of Memories for future generations.

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Condolence From: Matt Hornback
Condolence: I will always be thankful to "Aunt Barb" and "Uncle John"for inviting us into camp like we were just another part of the family. Many of my best childhood memories were made around the lake with your family. It's where I was introduced to elephant ears, and blueberry pancakes, though it would be years before I grew up enough to appreciate fruit in pancakes. It's where I learned to conquer some of my fears of deep water and slept in a bunk bed for the first time. Barb even introduced me to my first comic book. "Biker Mice from Mars," I think it was... and now I work in animation.

While I'm sure you all miss her dearly, it's easy to see that both Barb and John have created an enduring legacy of good people, that make up a strong family. You all carry their exceptional dna, and their best ideals, forward, for those that come next.

Thinking of you all. My mother is bringing the hugs. She gives good ones, just like Aunt Barb.
Thursday January 29, 2015
Condolence From: Bill and Margaret Mouradian
Condolence: We have such pleasant memories of all the wonderful times we had with the Brookings family, beginning when John and Bill were students at Tufts Dental School and continuing for all these years. Those long ago days when the children were very small, the girls, Linda and Judy used to call Bill--Bill radiator--close enough to Mouradian!--Barbara showed her adventurous spirit when she, John and new born Bruce came to visit us at Vinalhaven--a trip like that would have scared me!--all went well and Bruce liked his boat ride. Barbara and John will be missed by many--we are thinking of you all--the Mouradians

Wednesday January 28, 2015
Condolence From: rod & johnie campbell
Condolence: Dear Bookings Family,
We want to share our condolences over your and our loss, of your very special mom. Mothers have a way of being the glue that keeps families focused on what is important in this world, that being the families themselves. Even though my crew didn’t make it out to see you as often as Jeanie, and Paul, the times we did make it were indelible. The casual conversations I had with both your folks were rather matter of fact for them, but poignant for me (and I’m sure for many others). I have drawn on your parent’s wisdom from those conversations many times over the years. As you know, we’ve lost both of ours, but I am always uplifted with the thought that our day will also come. In that time we can ask them questions we never did,… and finally relate to them from the same stage of life, that is not possible here during this life.
Our love and prayers are with each of you as life adjusts to the loss, never to be the same, but always blessed to having shared it as her children.
rod, johnie,… josh, alex, and together their 7 grandchildren
Wednesday January 28, 2015
Condolence From: Rosabelle French
Condolence: Dear Brookings Family; Words cannot express what a precious person Mrs. Brookings was. She will be sincerely missed . Love, Rosie
Wednesday January 28, 2015
Condolence From: Lee Souweine Souweine
Condolence: I was so sorry to hear of Barbara's passing. Both she and John were so instrumental in our transitioning to Bangor in 1988, when Ruth and I moved from Kentucky to assume Frank Gilley's orthodontic practice.The Gilley's were good friends of theirs as well. She was such a gracious and charming lady in the "old-school" manner.   Her love and kindness were a role model to all who knew her, which was many.  We enjoyed our associateship over the years. We are so much better for having known her. Lee (and Ruth) Souweine.
Monday January 26, 2015
Condolence From: Jeanie & Steve (Campbell) Hornback & Matt, Chrisi, David
Condolence: Our deepest sympathies go out to the whole Brookings Clan as Aunt Barb rejoins Uncle John. The two of them created such a loving, large, and marvelous family, often generously (& thankfully) including others of us not directly related (my parents were part of their Tufts University Alumni). What wonderful memories they've helped create, and a truly loving home. They were extraordinary role models. I particularly learned from Aunt Barb, so much of which will forever affect me & now my own Michigan family's daily life and perspectives. Aunt Barb will always hold a very special place in our hearts. I thank her from the depth of my being. The world is a better place for her having been here. Through her loving family, her legacy continues to live on.
Saturday January 24, 2015
Condolence From: Karen Maynard
Condolence: Mrs. Brookings guided her life with love. She was a mother doing what mothers do...mothering! We felt she was a true example of a mother to all of us.
Each morning we were greeted with a cheerful good morning, a twinkle in her eye and the aroma of her breakfast toast. She always made us feel welcomed. And, each one of us was left with a warm feeling inside. Mrs. Brookings was very special and she loved us all.
Mrs. Brookings was always very good at the little things. For instance: asking each one of us how our day was going, making sure there was plenty of ice on-hand at lunchtime, reminding us to stop and smell the flowers, pointing out that if one breathed on plants it would help them grow, proudly displaying a Christmas flower centerpiece in the kitchen each year which was given by the Crotty Family and reminding us to be kind to our awesome patients.
Mrs. Brookings said "beauty is free and it is everywhere one looks." She was an amazing artist. Her exquisite oil paintings are displayed throughout the dental office. Upon entering the dental office, one can see the beauty of life exhibited by her oil paintings. The mantel is covered with portraits of her family. There is beauty in her paintings, too... paintings of her children skiing, paintings of flowers from her garden she loved. One can even see the beauty in one of her oil paintings of a tree during autumn.
On a final note, we will miss how Mrs. Brookings always had a hearty, warm hug, a caring smile and nightly goodbye waves from the next room. We have been blessed to know such a special person. She was our example of faith, hope, love and beauty.
It's the circle of life and it moves us all through faith and love till we find our place on the path unwinding - Elton John, The Lion King
With deepest sympathy,
Nancy, Lori, Lynn, Ginnie, Debbie, Brittany, Denise, and Karen
Saturday January 24, 2015
Condolence From: Laurie Churchill Coutts, MS
Condolence: Jonathan and I are so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. Please know that are thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless!

Friday January 23, 2015
Condolence From: Brian Hill
Condolence: Rob and family, I was sorry to hear of the loss of your Mother. I have fond memories of her from years ago. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Friday January 23, 2015
Condolence From: Louisa Hess
Condolence: Dear Brookings Family,
I was fortunate to meet Barbara a few times and it was obvious what a great lady she was.
It is tough seeing this generation pass as they give us much love and wisdom.
My condolences to all the family.
Friday January 23, 2015
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